Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Stunning plant! I bought this plant last Thursday or Friday from Lowes. I immediately fell in loved with it and had the perfect vase for it. I have read up on this plant and found that it is frequently killed because of overwatering. One would think that a plant like this needs alot of water. The soil needs to dry in-between waterings. Glad I do my homework.

Speaking of homework, I bought this book called Botany for Gardeners so that I can learn as much about my plants as possible. It is an awesome book. I am taken back to my elementary days when we learned about each plant part. It also reminds me of all my biology college courses that I had to take for my nursing degree....studying human cells versus plant cells....but basically a cell is a cell human or plant with alot of the same functions. I was always interested in biology, but never serious about it. It is kinda cool to relearn this stuff because I am going to actually use and apply the knowledge that I gain from the book. It will make me a better gardener and I will have happier plants that will give back to me as much as I put into them.

I am a knowledge junkie....always wanting to learn everything I can about a particular hobby or interest. Prior to my gardening hobby, I focused on physical fitness and nutrition. That is still my love and hobby as well.....bodybuilding. But as I get older, I finally have become aware of how important rest and relaxation is. In the past year or so, the awareness bug has hit me. The awareness that life extends beyond me and my personal surroundings. It's about nature and the collective consciousness of every living thing on this planet. It hit me all of a sudden and I don't know why. But I am glad it did. Actually, I am going off in another tangent that I have the other blog for....hahaha. Back to my plants now.

My plan is to introduce each of my plants. Right now, I have indoor plants because as you can see out the window, it is pretty cold in Ohio.

Last summer, I had my first flower garden. I moved into another house and I wanted to add spice to the landscaping, so I set out to do just that. Initially, my goal was just to pull up some bushes, replant some new bushes and lay fresh black mulch in-between the bushes for a nice crisp finish. Well, I did all of that and then decided that I needed to add color. Before I knew it, I was planting plants here and there and they were so pretty.

I also discovered how relaxing tending to plants can be and most of all how giving plants are. With a little attention and care, they return the love times 10. So, that is how I became in love with gardening. I am a newbie, but I really try to find out what each plant needs before I plant it.

It started getting cold and all my annuals began to fade away. That made me very sad, so I decided to invest in houseplants over the winter. I have over 100 houseplants now, several grow lights, all kind of books on houseplants, and everything I need to properly maintain them and I have been blessed with beautiful plants all over my house.

So cool.........
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