Thursday, January 13, 2011

An introduction me.....

I am fairly new to blogging and new to the world of indoor plants. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother. I have 4 beautiful children (3 girls ages 22, 18,& 14 and 1 boy age 20). I have a 10 month old grandson and a granddaughter on the way in April.

I work at a hospital full time as an inpatient nursing director of a medical surgical unit and an Intensive care unit. My education includes a bachelor degree in nursing and a masters degree in health care Administration.

Three of my four kids are living on their own, and now have all kinds of time for myself for the first time in 25 years. At first, I felt the sting of the empty nest syndrome (I have shared custody of my youngest) and for the first time experienced time alone. I was not accustomed to not running here and there and caring for the kids, so when my 18 year old moved out, I was devastated. I still have my 14 year old at home....but only half the time due to shared custody with her father. So, in my need to take care of something, I began caring for plants.

My love of gardening started in May of 2010. I decided to try to have the prettiest yard on my street, so I started landscaping and planting flowers. Before I new it, I was totally in love with my flowers and the joy of beauty and bring.I spent all my free time gardening and had a
beautiful yard. Then the fall came and I had to say goodbye to my annuals. This saddened me greatly, so I decided to buy some indoor plants to care for over the winter and this is where my passion for plants has taken off. I have collected over 100 indoor plants and I am constantly adding more. I have become an obsessed plant lady and I love it!!!!

I also love fitness and bodybuilding....but not more than plants now. My plants have become my babies and I have a relationship with each one of them. I guess I must admit that I have turned into a eccentric plant lady. I love my plants and plan to use this blog to journal about my successes and failures with my plants. I will write about each and every one of them and the joy they bring to my life.

This blog is for me mainly, but if there are any plant lovers that happen to stumble on my blog and want to comment, feel free to share.

Forgive my spelling and grammar. I refuse to proof read my posts and frankly enjoy being just non-professional side.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

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